The Gainesville Youth Chorus, Inc. is a not-for-profit, regionally-based chorus for boys and girls ages 7-18 that has become an international children's touring choir. Established in 1994, the Gainesville Youth Chorus (GYC)  has two principle performing groups; the Concertina Choir and the Concert Choir.


A much sought after choir, the Gainesville Youth Chorus typically performs 8-10 free concerts annually in Gainesville and the surrounding areas, as well as invitational performances, benefit performances, and other community and regional events. Through the "Joining Voices Across the Sea" (JVAS) cultural exchange program, GYC travels internationally and has performed in Austria, Italy, Scotland, Ireland, the U.K., Germany, Switzerland, France and the Czech Republic. The JVAS program is designed to foster intercultural understanding and acceptance and to develop skills supportive of positive life choices through the musical arts.


In addition to choral training received throughout the year, members participate in the following programs: the Young and Advanced Musicians Programs, Mentor Program, and Directors' Assistants Programs. The Young and Advanced Musicians Programs give our members opportunities to learn music reading skills and further performance skills throughout our concert season. The Mentor Program provides guidance for first year members and opportunities for veteran members to develop and refine leadership skills. The Directors' Assistant Program gives emerging musical leaders opportunities to apprentice with GYC Artistic Staff members.


GYC has a highly credentialed, volunteer-based staff and parent organization. Our Board of Directors is comprised of active professional and musical members of our community, who support our mission and encourage local and corporate support. Member tuition provides a base for our operating budget, with additional funding from the State of Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, The Florida Arts Council, National Endowment for the Arts, City of Gainesville's Department of Cultural Affairs, individual donors, grants, foundation funding and local corporate donations. GYC admits members without regard to race, color, national origin, creed, disability, gender, or financial circumstances. Scholarship programs are maintained to ensure that financial aid is available to families who qualify.

Our Membership Fees


We work diligently to maintain excellent choral arts programs and enable our membership fees to remain far below that of comparable organizations through grant writing, strong scholarship programs and community sponsorships. While fees are only $425 annually, the actual cost of continuing to provide our excellent choral arts programs is $1,300 per member.  GYC staff’s efforts are assisted by our Board of Directors, Parent Association and local community sponsors.


Below you will find the annual financial requirements for membership in GYC.


The Membership Fee for the Gainesville Youth Chorus is $425 per year, and includes:


              Membership in GYC (Tuition Assistance Program is available to qualifying families)


              All Rehearsal and Coaching sessions


              Advanced or Young Musicians’ Programs


              Rehearsals, Vocal and Drama Coaching


              Workshops and Master Classes during Concert Season


              2 GYC Practice T Shirts


              2 General Admissions Ticket to “A Sweet Taste of Broadway” per member


              $25 refundable Music Deposit - music must be turned in on time and in good condition


·       Additional financial responsibilities include the purchase of formal and informal concert clothing. GYC maintains a clothing closet for gently used formal and semi-formal costumes to help defray concert clothing costs. We maintain active scholarship programs and payment programs when needed.  




Active participation in additional fundraising is listed below:


·       Merchant Card Campaign


o   each child will sell a minimum of 15 cards (or families may make a tax deductible donation of at least $150


·       “A Sweet Taste of Broadway”


o   Advertisements for our “A Sweet Taste of Broadway” program; each member will sell a minimum of $100 of ads


o   Sourcing a dessert for “A Sweet Taste of Broadway” or a donation of at least $20


·       We may have additional fundraisers, in which everyone participates in enabling us to continue to offer the outstanding programs of GYC!



It is the policy of the Gainesville Youth Chorus, Inc. to comply with all of the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  To request materials in accessible format, sign language interpreters, and/or any accommodation to participate in any sponsored programs, please contact Deborah DesForges, Artistic Director at 352-256-7283, seven days in advance to initiate your request. 

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